“ok,what a fug surprise!now you have, you better make good use of this o ce, tell me: the hell why?” (好,真特么惊喜!现在你有了,你最好把握住这最后一次机会,告诉我:到底特么为什么??)
“she's all i have!if she doesn't want it, no one for her!”(她是我的所有!只要她不想,没有人能强加给她!)
“what??”岳绍辉一皱眉,还没反应这句究竟特么什么意思,那家伙已经哑着嗓子继续冲他吼,“i don’t give a fug damn to who or what is screwed, either jason, or you!i had to do it and i'll do it again!!”(我特么根本不在乎要毁掉什么,不管是心伟,还是你!我就是要这样做,再来我还会这样做!!)