e line even for a jackass like you!you couldn’t stop them so you chose to screw them?!”(就算对你这么个混蛋也实在是超了底线!阻止不了他们所以就决定毁了他们?!)
“them?”张星野皱了眉,“where the hell is that ing from?there’s no them, and there’s never been!” (他们??哪特么来的他们?从来就没有他们!)
“so there’s what? you??st time i checked, you fug coward was too scared to admit how you feel!”(所以有什么?你们??据我所知,你他妈的懦夫一个,根本就不敢承认自己的感情!)
“i’m a coward??”一句刺激,张星野突然怒,“does anybody ever care how she feels??i don't have a choice!”(我是懦夫??有没有人来